
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

E is for.... (Jessica)

Dear Explorers,

So what is E for? And why didn't I put it in the title of this post? WELL, let me give you a brief update on my life.

Right now, I am in Singapore. I am here for work, traveling for 10 days. As I am staying in a hotel, I don't have access to a kitchen to bake or cook anything! Jennifer and I decided that for trips or vacations lasting one week or longer, it would be acceptable to post about food that we've seen and eaten of the appropriate letter.  Whew! Otherwise there would be nothing to report for E!

This evening, I ate dinner at a hawker center (read about it here) with some Singaporeans and I told them about this project. They told me exactly what to get: an egg oyster omelette! Hmmm, not something I would typically order for dinner, let alone EVER! I don't love seafood. They insisted it was perfect because it is a very Singaporean dish and locals eat it often at the hawker centers.

We ordered it, I snapped some pictures, and I gave it a try. See all those slimy oysters in the photo?
It turns out, oysters are still not a food I enjoy. The omelette part was tasty enough, but slurping down oysters experience. For this dish, great taste (in my opinion) wasn't the goal. It was an amazing experience to try the dish in such an authentic setting, and there was no better way to do it than with locals at their local eateries!

Don't worry though, next week I'll be back in my kitchen, writing a letter from there!

Signing off from Singapore,



  1. E is for EWWWWW. hehe just kidding. although that omelet kinda looks like a thai noodle dish! so if it was that it would be yummy!

  2. I love this post!!! I'm so proud of you for ordering (and EATING) an egg oyster omelette! Ahhhmmmmmaaaazing! Kudos friend, kudos!!
